Ooo that's exciting! And so, if I'm not being too presumptuous, Does
this mean that constructions like if, while, etc become prefix
operators that can invoke a block lambda?
I've been flat out and haven't been able to look at this so it''s
exciting to see some progress on it. Just in case:
I hereby relinquish all copyright, trademark and patent rights I may
possibly hold, to the idea of "unifying the object literal and block
grammar constructions" to the TC39 group and its constituent members,
so help me god.
-Breton Slivka

On Wednesday, June 29, 2011, Brendan Eich <> wrote:
> On Jun 23, 2011, at 3:27 PM, Brendan Eich wrote:
> Also, if any { block } could be a lambda, perhaps we won't need that (nor any 
> new) syntax for block-lambdas.
> We would need new syntax still, for formal parameters.
> Making blocks be expressions requires unifying the ObjectLiteral and Block 
> productions. I don't know how to do this in without at least two-token 
> lookeahead, and it is not a backward compatible change if done for all places 
> where Statement : Block in the current grammar.
> Apologies for not crediting Breton Slivka, who suggested working this 
> approach here:
> Here's an attempt to formalize the unification grammatically.
> Block:    { UnlabeledStatementFirstList }    { WellLabeledStatement 
> StatementList? }
> UnlabeledStatementFirstList:    UnlabeledStatement    
> UnlabeledStatementFirstList Statement
> Statement:    UnlabeledStatement    LabeledStatement
> UnlabeledStatement:    Block    VariableStatement    EmptyStatement    
> ExpressionStatement    ContinueStatement    ReturnStatement    
> LabelUsingStatement    DebuggerStatement
> LabelUsingStatement:    IfStatement    IterationStatement    BreakStatement   
>  WithStatement    SwitchStatement    ThrowStatement    TryStatement
> LabeledStatement:    Identifier : Statement
> WellLabeledStatement:    Identifier : LabelUsingStatement    Identifier : 
> WellLabeledStatement
> (I'm using the American spelling of "labeled" and "unlabeled". Can't help 
> myself!)
> Notice the right recursion in WellLabeledStatement's rule.
> The idea is to allow
>     javascript:42
> and other such "not-well-labeled statements" for backward compatibility, but 
> only at top level in SourceElement context. Not after a { that starts a Block.
> After a { that starts a Block, you can have a label only if it is followed by 
> a statement that could possibly use that label (labels may nest in such a 
> WellLabeledStatement).
> Any expression after a label that follows a { therefore must be the value 
> part of a PropertyNameAndValueList in an ObjectLiteral.
> This is a mostly-compatible change. Again props to crock for suggesting 
> restrictions to label usage as a spark that kindled this fire.
> If I have this right, then we could add a new production:
> PrimaryExpression:    Block
> to allow blocks as expressions. We'd still need the [lookahead ∉ {{, 
> function}] restriction in ExpressionStatement.
> Making blocks be expressions allows us to treat them as zero-parameter 
> block-lambdas: ({statements}) instead of the ugly ({|| statements}). The 
> semantics would be the same as with a block-lambda: evaluation of the Block 
> is deferred until it is called, typeof says "function", reformed completion 
> value is implicit return value, etc. See:
> (I haven't unified the above with the block lambda revival grammar yet; one 
> step at a time.)
> Grammar nerds, please validate!
> /be
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