On Jul 10, 2011, at 3:06 AM, Dmitry A. Soshnikov wrote:

> Array.from is a good addition, I guess any good framework has it.
> Though, `Array.of` in contrast doesn't bring much of a sugar. Compare these 
> two apples-to-apples:
> Array.of( "things", "that", "aren't", "currently", "an", "array" )
> vs.
> ["things", "that", "aren't", "currently", "an", "array"]
> what's the goal in first case to write this useless "Array.of" prefix and 
> exactly the same to manually enumerate the items? In fact, the second one is 
> more suggared than the first one (the first one is: "added useless prefix 
> Array.of and brackets around items are replaced with call parens").

Note that JS's pattern for alternative constructors is String.fromCharCode, 
Array.from, etc. -- "class methods".

So the goal of Array.of is to provide a constructor that, unlike Array, does 
not have that insane special case for Array(42), which presets length (and 
hints to implementations to preallocate) but leaves holes in [0, length).

I agree that an Array.prototype.fill or similar method is a good addition too.


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