On 10.07.2011 15:54, David Bruant wrote:
Le 10/07/2011 12:06, Dmitry A. Soshnikov a écrit :

Another thing to consider is `Array.prototype.fill` method which we
discussed before.

The problem:

Array(4).map(function(x) x * x); // [NaN, NaN, NaN, NaN]

(by the way, this mistaken example is still mentioned in this document
in the "Alternate Syntax Proposals" section, though, is fixed in the
main section with `let randomArray =
NonHoleyArray(10).map(#{Math.random()});` when was mentioned before).

The solution:

// fill with a simple value

Array(4).fill(true); // [true, true, true, true]

// fill with a function in needed context of this

let object = {data: 4};
Array(3).fill(->  if this.data>  3 { 'accepted' } else {'declined' },
What is Array(9).fill(function(){})?
An array filled with 9 "undefined"?
An array filled with 9 (no-op) functions?
9 undefined according to the implementation you provided.
I think it should be 9 functions.

It's a good question. Though, usually it's needed to initiate an array just with a simple value, so the case with a function (as a filler) was provided as just an addition. From this viewpoint, yes, perhaps it should 9 functions.

  Another syntax should be provided to
generate values with a function. Maybe:
Array.generate(count, fillerFunction/*throws a TypeError if not
callable*/, thisArg)
(call "count" times fillerFunction.bind(thisArg) and return value of
i-th call is [[Put]] as i-th element of the array)
Array.fill could be implemented as:
Array.fill = function(c, v){
   return Array.generate(c, (->  v) );

Yes, it's common way, though, that's said, usually it's needed only to fill an array with e.g. Array.fill(1)

So from this viewpoint (and regarding that example with squares), it's good to have also `Array.seq(from, to)` method (the name is taken from Erlang, I just frequently uses lists:seq(from, to) there):

Array.seq(1, 5).map((x) -> x * x); [1, 4, 9, 16, 25]


Also class-method Array.fill(count, filler) can be considered.
Since .fill seems to be intended for initialization, I would tend to be
in favor of an Array.fill method rather than Array.prototype.fill. But a
Array.fill syntax would prevent from choosing the prototype.

Maybe harmony:array_comprehensions could be enhanced to support array
Since I'm not familiar with the proposal, I won't try to play with the
grammar, but it sounds like the right place to suggest initialization
syntax. And it would solve the prototype issue in combination with the
proto operator:
myProto<| [/*my syntax generating an array of 1000 elements*/]

Yes, also have to consider it and think.

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