On Sep 29, 2011, at 6:54 PM, Geoffrey Sneddon wrote:

> On 28/09/11 00:06, Waldemar Horwat wrote:
>> Should we standardize __proto__ in Annex B?
>> MarkM + a few others:  Yes
>> Waldemar, Doug:  No
> Unless we have a definite plan that no ES.Next impl will support __proto__, 
> then by all means don't standardize it.

It is a standard (de-facto), we were just talking about making a non-mandatory 
normative spec for it. That does carry some weight but not much more than the 
de-facto standard, IMHO.

> However, seeming the conclusion before was that not all use-cases of 
> __proto__ are handled currently, once they are addressed in ES.Next, there 
> will still be some transitional phase. I'd rather specify it in ES.Next, even 
> if we do then agree to drop it in ES.(Next+1).
> That said about any transitional phase, if it turns out we can make it 
> [[Writable: false]] in ES.Next, then all the better (thereby only providing a 
> transitional phase for those who can already use Object.getPrototypeOf).

Making the spec break the existing use-cases won't make browsers break those 
case. We don't get free-lunch rewrites from busy/absent developers who used 
writable __proto__ some time in the past for content that is still in service. 
The spec can only do so much.

It would be better to remove __proto__ once the horses have found the new, 
healthy vegetables that replace it, and only then (based on surveys, web scans 
a la the sawzall study Hixie did [1], etc.).


[1] http://code.google.com/webstats/2005-12/scripting.html
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