> I'd argue that my pattern also supports #5 as IDE's can recognize the 
> pattern.  An imperative class definition of all that most Smalltalk 
> implementations every had and they generally had fine IDEs.

>From what I remember from my Smalltalk days (literally – a 14 day project at 
>school ;-), Smalltalk’s syntax is much more amenable to this kind of thing. 
>Just the fact that if-then-else is a method of boolean objects is brilliant.

In JavaScript, it might be more natural to take the chain block -> function -> 
object literal one step further and add class literals. I always liked how 
lightweight things felt in JavaScript (compared to, say, Java or C++). And if 
we keep object literals minimal, that won’t go away.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer


home: rauschma.de
blog: 2ality.com

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