Le 11/10/2011 05:48, Cameron McCormack a écrit :
On 24/09/11 8:35 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
Regarding, WebIDL. It seems to me, that it just needs an extended attribute to specifies which attributes are instance attributes rather than prototype attributes.

I think it only makes sense to have IDL attributes correspond to properties on the instance itself if the property can be a data property, and that if it can be modelled with a data property then it needs to have no special behaviour when being assigned to (no type coercions due to IDL, no other behaviour)
Oh true! Current WebIDL 4.5.5 Attribute, for the setter, step 6 "Let idlValue be the result of converting V to an IDL value.". So, DOM attributes are typed and the typing is enforced by their ECMAScript representation.

unless we want to require JS implementations to use proxies for these objects.
Indeed. I hadn't noticed the type enforcement. I take back all what I said about DOM attributes being data property. A setter with type enforcement sounds like a better idea than proxies returning data descriptor.

It gives me an idea for a proxy library which would be to pass a custom field in a data descriptor indicating the type. The proxy would enforce the type under the hood and either coerce silently or throw if the type is incorrect.

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