On Oct 11, 2011, at 5:43 AM, David Bruant wrote:

> It gives me an idea for a proxy library which would be to pass a custom field 
> in a data descriptor indicating the type. The proxy would enforce the type 
> under the hood and either coerce silently or throw if the type is incorrect.

The original DOM in Netscape 2 did this -- native data structures had 
proxy-like wrappers with get and set traps, to use Proxy terminology. The 
Netscape layout engine built these structures quickly and during progressive 
rendering (remember dial-up?). I did not want to reify JS objects for each 
eagerly, so used proxy-like wrappers created on demand. The source of truth was 
in the C (no portable C++ back then) data structures, so I needed get and set 
traps. This was before accessor properties, so the resulting "DOM attributes" 
looked like data properties, but did not behave as if they were data properties.

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