On Oct 17, 2011, at 3:32 PM, Erik Arvidsson wrote:
> YES! This is the most exciting proposals I've seen in years. I'm so excited!


What started me thinking along this line was noticing how Dart handles [ ] as a 
dynamically dispatched method.  It isn't the first language to do so and C# 
(and C++, for that matter) does something similar statically.  Having an 
extensible collection access syntax if very handy.

> With this we would be able to implement Array and all those pesky DOM
> collections without a hitch [*]. I think it might even allow sub
> classing Array if Array was reimlemented using this mechanism.

Exactly, I was thinking the same things.  This is largely why I even bothered 
to float what I'm sure is going to be a controversial idea.

> [*] What of Object.keys and other reflection like mechanisms? Should
> we have a collectionKeys private name too?

I don't see the need.  A collection can public expose such methods as normal 
properties and how they get implemented are up to the collection 
implementation.  If you choose to use a normal object as the backing store of a 
collection, then the implementation can just use the existing reflection 
functions.  For example, we could easily add keys to by example class:
import {collectionGetter, collectionSetter} from "@metaCollections";
content = Name.create();
export function StringKeyedMap() {
   this@content = Object.create(null);  //note content object is a "normal 
object" and [ ] on it does regular property access
   this@collectionGetter = function(k) {return this@content [k]};
   this@collectionSetter  = function(k,v) {this@content [k]=v;};
   this.size = function() {Object.getOwnPropertyNames(this@content ).length};  
//I'm lazy
   this.has = function(k) {return {}.hasOwnProperty.call(this@content,k};
   this.delete = function(k) {return delete this@content [k]};
   this.keys = function() {return Object.keys(this@content)};

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