Brendan Eich wrote:
On Oct 21, 2011, at 12:49 PM, Eric Jacobs wrote:

The catch is, of course, that all code which either can yield, or can call other 
functions which yield, must have the "yield" keyword there, to mark that 
run-to-completion invariants will end at that point. This seems like a very reasonable 
compromise to me.
If you have to yield at every point in a call chain that might reach a 
coroutine that captures a deep continuation, then you've really got a chain of 
shallow continuations.

As a language end-user, I'm not sure that I would (or should) be concerned about the distinction between a deep continuation and a chain of shallow continuations. After all, the stack is just a chain of frames, and the mechanism by which those frames are chained together is not of semantic importance to the language.

That said, coroutinish features like having stacktraces that show multiple levels of blocking operations, and try/catch blocks that can catch over several blocking operations would be really nice to have. If those features can be built at the library level using shallow continuations or generator trampolines or what have you, I say great.

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