On 10/21/2011 11:01 AM, David Herman wrote:
But there's more to it than just the interface. You fix a particular scheduling semantics when you put deferred functions into the language. I'm still learning about the difference between the Deferred pattern and the Promises pattern, but the former seems much more stateful than the latter: you enqueue another listener onto an internal mutable queue.
At least in the Dojo community (and I think Kowal does with Q as well), we define a Deferred producer-sider constructor for creating promises, with an API that can resolve() or reject() the generated promise. The promise is then the consumer-side interface that allows consumer to register a callback for the fulfillment or rejection of the promise (with a then() method or a variety of other convenience functions). The mutable state pattern was used in earlier versions of Dojo, but later we switched to an API that keeps promises immutable except for legacy methods, as we have reached consensus that mutable promises are bad. Thus the terminology difference between mutable state and immutable state is simply "wrong" vs "right" for us ;).

There are indeed different scheduling semantics to consider. With Dojo (and I think jQuery as well), we have considered enqueuing callbacks onto the event queue to unviable because historically the only mechanism within the browser has been setTimeout (there is no setImmediate or process.nextTick available) which has a rather large minimum delay that can easily up add to noticeable and unacceptable introduction of delays with a chain of a series of promises. Consequently our implementations do not enqueue any callbacks for future turns, all callbacks are executed in the same turn as the resolution of the promise, and due to latency concerns we haven't really felt the freedom to explore other scheduling semantics. This scheduling semantic has worked fine for us, but I don't mind an alternate one. It looks like kriskowal/q does enqueue, using a postMessage hack to enable faster enqueuing on newer browsers.

On 10/21/2011 10:34 AM, John J Barton wrote:
Can anyone summarize how these proposals relate to Kris Kowal / Kris Zyp / Mark Miller Q library:

The proposal was designed such that it should work smoothly with Kowal's Q originating promises as well (acting like Q.when). For example, using the opening example of delay function from the kriskowal/q readme, one could write:

  return afterOneSecond(yield delay(1000));

and it would be effectively the same as (with the possible exception of scheduling policies):

   return Q.when(delay(1000), afterOneSecond);

In my experience, reasoning about the code was much easier with Q than without Q. (Not something I found in trying generators). I found the documentation hard to follow since it assumes background I don't have and the examples were not interesting to me, but once I tried it I was pleasantly surprised. It does have ergonomic issues, an undefined and resolved promise work equally well, but I think this may be inexperience on my part.

Yes, kriskowal/q is an excellent library.

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