> I think one piece of this is worth reiterating: As long as JS.next classes 
> are mostly sugar for prototypes, and prototypes aren't going to be deprecated 
> or removed in the next version of JavaScript (two propositions that I think 
> most of us can get behind) ... then it's very important that super() and new 
> class syntax *aren't* coupled. An ES6 super() that fails to work at all with 
> regular prototypes would be a serious problem. It would make interoperating 
> between vanilla prototypes and prototypes-built-by-classes much more 
> difficult than necessary, and the feel of the language as a whole much more 
> fragmented.

I agree that we should avoid introducing things you can do with classes that 
you can't do with prototypes.

> If you agree, then a super() that resolves dynamically is the way forward.

But I disagree with this claim. Allen's triangle operator (which is 
semantically well-designed but I believe needs a better syntax) gives you just 
this ability to do super() with prototypes and without classes. And classes are 
still sugar.

> I don't think that an efficient, pay-as-you-go dynamic super() will be easy, 
> but with the technical chops of TC39 at your disposal, it should be possible. 
> Expanding the rough sketch from earlier messages:
>   * If a function doesn't use super(), there is no cost, and no change in 
> semantics.
>   * The first-level super() call is easy, just use the method of the same 
> name on the __proto__.
>   * When passing into a super(), add a record to the call stack that contains 
> [the current object, the name of the method, and the next level __proto__].
>   * When returning from a super(), pop the record from the call stack.
>   * When making a super() call, check the call stack for a record about the 
> current object and method name, and use the provided __proto__ instead of 
> this.__proto__ if one exists.

This approach still gets confused if you recursively call the same method on 
the same object in the middle of a super-dispatch. Bottom line: it's not 
equivalent to the behavior where every function call receives an extra argument 
(and which no one in TC39 knows how to implement in a pay-as-you-go manner).

> So I guess in theory I agree it'd be nice if super() and class could be 
> designed completely orthogonally, but in practice they affect each other. But 
> at the same time, I think a class syntax where the body is restricted to be 
> declarative is actually a nice sweet spot anyway. You can still dynamically 
> create classes just like always, but the declarative form gives you a sweet 
> and simple syntax for the most common case.
> It's definitely the most common case, but a JavaScript class syntax that is 
> only able to create instances with a static shape would be severely limited 
> compared to current prototypes.

Not at all! Current prototypes have to be created as objects. How do you create 
an object? Either with an object literal, which has a static shape, or via a 
constructor call; anything else you do with assignments. With literal classes 
you have exactly the same options at your disposal.

> Many existing libraries and applications would be unable to switch to such a 
> syntax. One familiar example off the top of my head is Underscore.js:
> http://documentcloud.github.com/underscore/docs/underscore.html#section-127

Concrete examples are *super duper awesome* -- thank you so much for bringing 
this into the discussion.

> ...with the minimalist class proposal in this thread, switching this library 
> over to use them would be simple (if not terribly pretty):
> class wrapper _.extend({
>   constructor: function(obj) {
>     this._wrapped = obj;
>   }
> }, _)

It's true that with literal classes you wouldn't be able to put all the 
initialization inside the class body, but you could still declare it with a 

    class wrapper {
        constructor: function(obj) {
            this._wrapped = obj;

    _.extend(wrapper.prototype, /* whatever you like */);

The rest you could do as-is; the difference here is minimal, and IMO it's a 
good thing to distinguish the fixed structure from the dynamically computed 
structure. Anyway, JS has plenty of precedent for that.


PS I also think the "extend" pattern could be done with a cleaner 
generalization of monocle-mustache:

    wrapper.prototype .= _;

But that's fodder for another thread...

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