I've posted a new strawman proposal for the ideas originally discussed in this 



On Nov 3, 2011, at 2:06 PM, Waldemar Horwat wrote:

> We had this in ES4, together with the provision that you could have multiple 
> arguments between the [], so you could define data structures that can be 
> addressed as:
>  matrix2d[x, y]
> As in here, this would default to the ES5 semantics on objects that don't 
> have the new [] proxy handler.
> Overall, I like it.  You're already familiar with the main issues that this 
> brings up, such as usage cases where folks want a reliable way of indirectly 
> accessing . properties without hitting the [] proxy.  A method call syntax 
> for that would be fine.
>    Waldemar

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