> I've posted a new strawman proposal for the ideas originally discussed in 
> this thread.
> http://wiki.ecmascript.org/doku.php?id=strawman:object_model_reformation 

- I like contrasting the concept “application data domain” with the concept 
“program definition domain”. Maybe mention that earlier.
- Typo: “Updated WeapMap and Map Interface”
- Mention best practices: when to use what (might have time until an actual 

StringKeyedMap.prototype.@elementGet = function(k) {return 
=> That is still the “an object as a programming construct” style (include 
prototypes) and not the “an object as a collection” style (only own properties).

Possible change (with a yet-to-be-defined method Object.getOwnProperty()):
StringKeyedMap.prototype.@elementGet = function(k) {return 
Object.getOwnProperty(this.@backingStore, k)}

I’m not sure how one can best keep the two styles apart, perhaps @elementGet 
should use Object.setProperty() instead of square braces.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

home: rauschma.de
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blog: 2ality.com

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