On Nov 30, 2011, at 9:52 PM, Luke Hoban wrote:

>> Speaking on behalf of real world web developers, the opposition to 
>> "Globalization" is that it's unnecessarily long. This is a long standing 
>> problem with APIs that are designed by people that don't have to use them 
>> everyday. 
> Agreed - a shorter name would be better - but the alternative being discussed 
> here is not a shorter name - it's this tradeoff:
> "Globalization" vs. "Object.System.loaded['@globalization']"

As I just suggested in reply to Rick, I think micro-optimizing here for brevity 
is not the main thing. Most developers will want the Date.prototype, etc. 
extensions -- easy to use and better-localizable methods.

All the full-metal OOP APIs for amortizing collator construction costs, etc., 
will be used less frequently, even if by some big web app properties.


> That is, the alternative here is 3 times as long as the already 
> 'unnecessarily long' option.  As Brendan noted, we still need to do the API 
> design on the system module loader to try to streamline this - but the design 
> space currently being explored won't lead to this being shorter than 
> "Globalization", so the length argument by itself would seem to favor a 
> single global name.
> There was an earlier thread discussing alternatives to "Globalization", 
> several of which are shorter and may be appropriate choices instead.
> Luke

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