On 01.12.2011 11:47, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:
Let's say this is an attempt to bring some new, easy to implement, method for the native Object.prototype Specially about forEach, the most used Array.prototype method out there, it's quite clear JS developers would like to have similar method to iterate over objects, as key:value pairs rather than index:value.

Almost every framework/library out there has an "error prone" each(obj, callback) method, able to automagically recognize if the passed obj is an array, an arrayLike, or an object. A classic failing scenario is a function used as object, where the length property won't mean it's an arrayLike entity.

As summary, I wonder if this proposal could make things more explicit, easy to remember, and faster, if implemented natively:

where more details about the "why" and "how", through examples, are explained in my post:

The quick version, and all I am asking is an opinion about this, is

obj.forEach(function (value, key, original) {
  // all true conditions
  value === original[key];
  original === obj;
  this === optionalContext;
}, optionalContext);

Yep, the topic was raised before (by me in particular) of implementing richer standard libraries for all classes (Array and Object are first on this list; and especially `forEach' for Object instances). On what Allen said that time something like "before proposing many methods for classes, let's understand first where we go w/ classes at all".

Which though doesn't cancel the fact that JS has pure lib for standard library. Of course monkey patching allows to fix this issues ourselves (w/o waiting while the committee start to move in this direction), but of course it's good to have this functionality built-in.


Thanks for any sort of feedback.

Best Regards

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