On Dec 29, 2011, at 6:34 AM, Axel Rauschmayer wrote:

>> We should probably avoid pressures for the build-ins to cover all possible 
>> use cases. In ES.next we will should have all the primitives necessary for 
>> JS programmers to define their own efficient collection objects, including 
>> various kinds of hash-tables.  Hopefully some good libraries of such will 
>> get written.
>> I take it you are simply reiterating the desire for a standard system 
>> provided high entropy object-identity hash that is guaranteed to correspond 
>> to === and is.
> I’m curious: Is it likely that such libraries will get written by the 
> community? This domain does not seem to enjoy much interest. (I would 
> volunteer, but have neither the necessary expertise/experience nor the time.)

Well, If nobody else creates such a library, I will.

I think up to now, JS has not been particularly hospitable to collection 
libraries, but this will be different in ES.next.

> Can we profit from prior work? The following comes to mind:
> - “User-extensible sequences in Common Lisp”, Christophe Rhodes
>     http://www.doc.gold.ac.uk/~mas01cr/papers/ilc2007/sequences-20070301.pdf
> - Programming languages with collection APIs (among many others): Smalltalk, 
> Java

See my experiments with Smalltalk-80 collections in ES.next at 
https://github.com/allenwb/ESnext-experiments .  However, if I was actually 
going to use Smalltalk collections as a model I would start with the ANSI 
Smalltalk collection specification 
http://wiki.squeak.org/squeak/uploads/172/standard_v1_9-indexed.pdf section 5.7

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