On Jan 4, 2012, at 9:35 AM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> On Jan 4, 2012, at 8:39 AM, Mark S. Miller wrote:
>> ...
>> Here's an interesting compromise I consider perfectly reasonable. We don't 
>> *mandate* any ES6 code features be available in ES6 non-strict mode. But we 
>> don't prohibit them either. For any ES6 features that have no dependence on 
>> mode, like destructuring, we mandate that they be present in strict code, 
>> and we make them normative optional (the new Appendix B category) in 
>> non-strict code. Implementors are free to implement them or not in 
>> non-strict mode, but if they implement them, it must mean the same thing as 
>> the mandated meaning in strict code.
> I don't think we every contemplated forbidding implementations from extending 
> non-strict modes with versions of new features ES6 features.
> However, your assumptions that destructuring has has no mode dependencies is 
> wrong and a good example of why it is not so trivial to "include" it in 
> non-strict code. Here are some of the dependencies  I've already run into WRT 
> formal parameter destructuring:
>      using 'arguments'  (or 'eval') in a formal parameter destructuring 
> pattern or as a rest parameter - currently forbidden by strict mode

Destructuring opts into strict mode or rather its successor, ES.next. Harmony 
rolls on this way.

>      effect of multiple use of the same name - currently forbidden in strict 
> mode but currently allowed in non-strict mode

Not allowed by JS1.[78]* in SpiderMonkey or Rhino -- we prefigured ES5-strict 
on this, for sanity. When you use destructuring parameters in Firefox, you 
cannot have duplicate parameter names *anywhere* in the parameter list.

js> function f({a,b},a){}
typein:1: SyntaxError: duplicate argument is mixed with destructuring pattern:
typein:1: function f({a,b},a){}
typein:1: ............^
js> function f(b,{a,b}){} 
typein:2: SyntaxError: duplicate argument is mixed with destructuring pattern:
typein:2: function f(b,{a,b}){}
typein:2: .................^
js> function f({a,a},c){} 
typein:3: SyntaxError: duplicate argument is mixed with destructuring pattern:
typein:3: function f({a,a},c){}
typein:3: ...............^

>      interaction between new formal parameter forms and non-strict mode 
> arguments object

See above. Function is implicitly strict.

>      how is declaration instantiation order for non-strict functions impacted 
> by parameter default value expressions

See above, again.

>      can the temporal dead-zone rules related to parameter default value 
> expression evaluation in strict mode also apply to non-strict functions


> These tend to be subtle issues and the "right" answer is not always obvious.  
> If different implementors decided to add the new formal parameter affordances 
> to non-strict mode, without any guidance, they would likely come up with 
> differing solutions to some of these issues and hence create 
> imcompatabilities.

We need a normative spec, of course! But we do not need to support new features 
in pre-strict-mode, indeed pre-ES6, combinations. New syntax is the opt-in!

> BTW, The simplest way to work around these issues, that I've found,  would be 
> to say that any function that uses any new formal parameter syntax is 
> implicitly a strict mode function.  

Sorry, I should have read this far. I guess the proposal was unclear enough 
that people went down a bad path (at least you, probably Mark and Andreas). 
Sorry about that -- the intention (at least my view of it when reviewing Dave's 
draft proposal) was that new syntax opts in, and at a function granularity at 

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