> As things are going, things are not going to change. The strong desire to 
> avoid any behavior breakingchange between ES5 and ES6 actually makes it 
> impossible to fix a lot of issues. I’m starting to think Google may be right 
> to start over a new language, the comitee is too conservative about ES.

Don’t forget that we do get a lot of really nice features via ECMAScript.next, 
including fixes for most quirks. The incremental approach does make sense and 
keeps everyone on board. A more radical approach has been tried – ECMAScript 4 
– and abandoned. Furthermore, the input going into ES.next is diverse (E, 
Racket, Smalltalk, etc.). Lastly, progress is steady and if ES.next is finished 
by 2013 then that is quite impressive. Compare: five years between Java 6 – 
with few new features – and Java 7.

Dr. Axel Rauschmayer

home: rauschma.de
twitter: twitter.com/rauschma
blog: 2ality.com

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