Sigh. Never mind, I'm thinking of statement not _expression_ context -- and you can't start an _expression_ statement with {. Parade's back on. :-)


January 12, 2012 7:21 PM
Sorry, thought about it more and I'm raining on your (and dherman's) parade :-(.

In an _expression_ but not statement context,

  ... { (x) e; }

is already a valid JS program if e begins with (, [, +, or - (the last two intended as unary operators but becoming binary).

Note that | bracketing avoids this problem. In no case can JS of any extant version have a legal sequence {|.

But because {( is already allowed, what comes after the closing ) can be the continuation of a parenthesized _expression_.

Even if you don't buy my "better to look different because not function" argument, this tilts the balance.

es-discuss mailing list
January 12, 2012 4:53 PM
... continuing with my sent-too-soon message:

   function() {
       asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

You're right, this could be done. Allen's right that aesthetics matter, and so (aesthetic sensibilities in various people were formed by these) do older languages. Ruby uses || not (). Smalltalk uses | but differently, and of course does not use {}.

Apart from aesthetics, I argue that || are better because they are different from the overloaded () pair, which mean _expression_ grouping in the nearby context of the body of the block-lambda, e.g. a.add()b; above. () also are used around formal parameter lists. And of course they are used for control structure heads, e.g. if (foo).

Rather than overloading () yet again, for a different formal parameter list context (block-lambda parameter list after {), which is immediately adjacent to an _expression_-statement contexts (the block-lambda body), I believe we should use ||.

The Ruby precedent is another reason, and a particular reason to use | instead of some other candidate. But I'm mainly trying to persuade you here that () is not the best choice just because it brackets formal parameter lists for functions.


January 12, 2012 2:49 PM

January 12, 2012 2:23 PM
Am I wrong if I say there not a bigger issue with block lambda than with the current object notation on the matter?

Please continue :-).

I mean, does that code mean anything useful?

   function() {
       {|a,b| a+b};

(You need a name for that function if it is a declaration, and from the context you show, it is.)

Does this perfectly valid JS mean anything useful?

  function f() {
    (function (a, b) { return a + b; });

Nevertheless, it is legal. JS follows C (not Java) in allowing seemingly useless _expression_-statements. This can be a source of bugs. It is also required in some cases, namely when the function _expression_ (in parentheses) is the completion value of a Program. In such a case that value could be the wanted result of eval or an eval-like host API.

If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be used as a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an _expression_ only,

_expression_ is already a kind of statement, via ExpressionStatement. Furthermore, an ExpressionStatement *already* cannot start with a left curly brace. Please read the grammar:

12.4 _expression_ Statement


ExpressionStatement :
    [lookahead ∉ {{, function}] _expression_ ;

NOTE An ExpressionStatement cannot start with an opening curly brace because that might make it ambiguous with a Block. Also, an ExpressionStatement cannot start with the function keyword because that might make it ambiguous with a FunctionDeclaration.

where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax.

This is the conflict you're looking for.

That solution has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,

   function() {
           (a, b)

That is already valid ES1-6.

Others have already replied, but the problem with redefining ( after { without untenable newline sensitivity is it is a backward-incompatible change.


January 12, 2012 2:23 PM
Am I wrong if I say there not a bigger issue with block lambda than with the current object notation on the matter?

I mean, does that code mean anything useful?

   function() {
       {|a,b| a+b};

If not (as it seems to me), it means that a block lambda will not be used as a statement by itself. If it's the case, it should defined as an _expression_ only, where there's no anonymous block to conflict the syntax. That solution has been chosen for object notation in the past. That way,

   function() {
           (a, b)

would still be an anonymous block where

   function() {
       asyncAction(..., { (a, b) a.add(b); } }

would be a block lambda as an argument of an async function. No semantic change for an identical syntax, in regards to strict ES5.

The case where you would like to use a block lambda as a stament can be resolved by adding parenthesis, like with the current object notation. And since I still continue to hope we'll ditch the unprefixed anonymous block in some future revision of ES, that very small edge case could vanish at the same time.

Does it seems possible/acceptable?

-----Message d'origine----- From: Allen Wirfs-Brock
Sent: Thursday, January 12, 2012 10:38 PM
To: Thaddee Tyl
Subject: Re: Block lambda is cool, its syntax isn't

On Jan 12, 2012, at 1:26 PM, Thaddee Tyl wrote:

but it is ambiguous with  other currently valid statement blocks such as:

  { (a, b) + b}


 { (a,b)

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es-discuss mailing list

January 12, 2012 1:38 PM

but it is ambiguous with other currently valid statement blocks such as:

{ (a, b) + b}


{ (a,b)

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