Tom Van Cutsem <>
January 27, 2012 10:53 AM

    Off-topic: What is the recommended style for naming modules?
    Capitalized and camel-cased? It’s nothing I couldn’t get used to,
    but it seems like the naming precedent would be JavaScript
    packages. Or is Reflect capitalized, because it is a built-in module?

I have been using @reflect as the name of the module, and Reflect as the name of the module instance object, as in:

module Reflect from "@reflect";

I believe that the latest (not yet in wiki) syntax uses 'at' not 'from' for the out-of-line module body case:

  module M { ... }
  module N at "U";
  import P from M;
  import P from "U";

P is a pattern, in general. It could be * or an identifier if not a full destructuring pattern.


Not sure if that is still the correct module syntax (and naming convention).


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