"Only" from principal point of view. With new <| operator doing parallel hierarchy between functions (and hoping to get classes do the same, though if I didn't misread the proposal, extends does not do that; not to mention I dislike extends in favour of <| which already does that), the notion of "class inherits from superclass" will shift from "prototypes are in chain" to "% as well as constructors are". So, one inheriting from builtin class would presume they are in this kind of relationship as well.

If it does not break anything, it would be good to have. Maybe it can even bring some pluses, though I cannot say for now.


Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On Jan 28, 2012, at 12:54 PM, Herby Vojčík wrote:


in ES, inheritance between "classes" was in fact only inheritance between their 
prototypes; the constructor functions always inherited from Function.prototype directly.

Now,<| operator defines that
  Fun<| function SubFun (...) { ... }
not only does parallel hierarchy so that
  SubFun.prototype.[[Prototype]] === Fun.prototype, but also
  SubFun.[[Prototype]] === Fun.
So constructor functions ultimately descend from Function.prototype, but it may be indirectly. 
"Subclasses" themselves also inherit "static" properites from their superclass.

Would it break things if this would be true for builtins, as well? So that (for 
example, not citing all):

It would certainly be observable.  Whether is would actually breaking anything 
can only be speculated at this point until somebody tries it in a widely used 
implementation. My speculation is that no breakage would occur. Is this 
important enough to try?


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