
in ES, inheritance between "classes" was in fact only inheritance between their prototypes; the constructor functions always inherited from Function.prototype directly.

Now, <| operator defines that
  Fun <| function SubFun (...) { ... }
not only does parallel hierarchy so that
  SubFun.prototype.[[Prototype]] === Fun.prototype, but also
  SubFun.[[Prototype]] === Fun.
So constructor functions ultimately descend from Function.prototype, but it may be indirectly. "Subclasses" themselves also inherit "static" properites from their superclass.

Would it break things if this would be true for builtins, as well? So that (for example, not citing all):
  TypeError.[[Prototype]] === Error,
  Error.[[Prototype]] === Object,
  Function.[[Prototype]] === Object,
  Number.[[Prototype]] == Object
etc.; and ultimately
  Object.[[Prototype]] === Function.prototype
? So that buitin constructor functions would have parallel hierarchy to their prototypes (as is nice for proper class to behave)?

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