Herby Vojčík wrote:
> I meant all that copying there and back and having two variables with the
> same name in two scopes and handling all combinations when to access which
> one. I wanted to take this away.

Yes, at least my desugaring was indeed overcomplicated. Brendan's and
Mark's desugarings aren't that complicated, though.

>> Your proposal depends on being able to reassign variable pointers, but
>> they don't necessarily exist.
> Well, references are all over the spec (or were in times of ES5).

What I was calling activation records, the spec calls environment
records and it does not, by my reading, imply that variables within
them are reference-like in nature (read clause 10.2). However, we
don't need to argue this point.

>> Or, here's one that copies the other way (and is probably cleaner):
>> 'Note' all closures (dynamically) created in (lexically,
>> post-desugaring) the loop body. Each time you end an iteration, update
>> all the loop variable activation record pointers to point at a new
>> clone of that activation record.
> If I understood correctly, this is what I proposed. Or maybe it only looks
> like it?

It has the same behaviour, but without needing variable pointers; that
was the idea. I now propose it to the list as a variant of your idea
that I think some may prefer. I'm merely trying to make sure your idea
gets the attention it deserves.

To be completely acceptable, the mechanics would need fleshing out, of course.

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