Brendan Eich wrote:
My R2 resolution is not specific to any engine, but I have hopes it can be accepted. It is concrete enough to help overcome large-yet-vague doubts about implementation impact (at least IMHO). Recall that document.domain setting may have to split a merged same-origin window/frame graph, at any time. Again implementation solutions vary, but this suggests cross-window mediation can be interposed lazily.

Another point: HTML5 WindowProxy (vs. Window, the global object on the scope chain) exists to solve navigation-away-from-same-origin security problems. Any JS that passes strings from one window to another must be using a WindowProxy to reference the other. There's a mediation point too.

IOW, whether there' s a heap/compartment per global is not critical (but if there is, then strings are already copied and could be transcoded as to their meta-data distinguishing non-BMP+UTF16-aka-full-Unicode from bad-ol'-90s-UCS2). The cross-window mediation via WindowProxy is.

The flag bits I mentioned could be combined: 1 flag bit for both non-BMP-chars-in-this-string-*and*-full-Unicode-BRS-setting-in-effect-for-its-global.

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