Mark S. Miller wrote:
On Sun, Feb 19, 2012 at 1:52 PM, Brendan Eich < <>> wrote:

        How? By doing a full walk of the object graph and doing
        surgery on it? This sounds more painful than imposing
        mediation up front.

    No, by indirection, of course ;-). The details vary among browsers.

I think just we're having a terminology problem. To me, such indirection is mediation.

Definitely I was unclear. The (different) mediation by WindowProxy is good because local global (oxymoronic, ugh -- let's say "this global") accesses are unmediated and can be super-optimized.

The mediation by trust-label indirection I was referring to above is for-all-accesses. That is painful.

A compartment per global makes the process of finding the trust-label (called a "Principal" in Gecko) significantly faster.

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