On Mar 2, 2012, at 2:30 PM, Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

> What do you think? Do you like -> better than <| ?

I like -> much, *much* better than <|. The latter looks like we ran out of 
options but desperately wanted to shoe-horn something into an already heavily 
constrained syntax. Which, of course, is exactly what we are doing. ;-)

But -> is a familiar and accepted ASCIIfication of an arrow. Given that the 
prototype relationship is directional (contra JJB's claim, which I didn't 
understand), it's natural to use an arrow. I understand that there are reasons 
to prefer the other direction, but sadly that's not an option due to the 
ambiguity of <-.

All other options I've seen so far just look desperate.

> Is it ok to not have it available for some possible future function shorthand?

IMO, yes.


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