On Mar 31, 2012, at 5:19 PM, Domenic Denicola wrote:

> As a quick follow-up:
> Perhaps adding non-arcane-incantation private name declarations would be 
> enough to push maximally-minimal classes from “nice, but are they worth it?” 
> to “this gives us something we can’t get anywhere else.” To wit:
> class Set extends Collection {
>    private setContents, setTally
>    constructor(initialSize = 2) {
>        this.{
>            @setContents: new Array(initialSize),
>            @setTally: 0
>        }
>    }
>    // ...
> }

Using a private declaration to define privateName bindings is still on the 
table.  I just didn't show it in these example.  However, it would most likely 
go outside of the class declarations:

private setContents, setTally;

class Set extends Collection {

   constructor(initialSize = 2) {
           @setContents: new Array(initialSize),
           @setTally: 0

   // ...


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