Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
However, when we add private as a ClassElement we have crossed the line to 
having things other PropertyMethodDefinition in ClassBody. If this opens the 
flood gates for every over possible addition we will be back in the swamp.

I like your message, except for this metaphor. We're in charge of the syntax. It's not an overflowing river surging against our gates. We can say "no" and do. I think we've just gone a little too far, without explicit and rationalized "no" so much as preemptive minimization to get consensus.

My favorite trope is the game of Jenga. We must not stack too high. But some pieces really need other pieces under or next to them. "private x" is one such affordance, and we've heard already that if ES6 requires

  const px = Name.create(), py = Name.create(), pz = Name.create();

we'll have failed to make private names usable in some contexts -- definitely in classes (assuming classes make it), IMHO.

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