It would be amazing to have clojure like protocols in JS  even without `IFn`. I 
think it's very good feet and very useful in JS where each library has it's own 
flavored API. I wrote more about it here:

Also why would callable objects return `function` on `typeof(callable)`. As a 
matter of fact I think it should be `object` and something new like 
`Object.isCallable(object)` may be used to check for call-ability. This way old 
code either will reject non functions or will shim `Object.isCallable` to 
support new constructs. 

Irakli Gozalishvili

On Wednesday, 2012-04-11 at 11:54 , Brendan Eich wrote:

> Michael Fogus wrote:
> > I know some things about ClojureScript and would be happy to answer
> > any direct questions. However, I think its notion (and Clojure proper)
> > is that "functions are data are functions" is very powerful.
> > 
> It's a great idea (I first met John McCarthy in 1977 when I was 16). Too 
> bad JS was not allowed to be "Scheme in the browser".
> > A lot of
> > interesting patterns fall out of this as others have pointed out.
> > 
> I'm ready to jump in with both feet, except for JS's age and the 
> possibility that too much code on the web counts on things like
> (typeof x == "function") <=> x() works and x.apply is the expected built-in
> No problem, you say, we can leave typeof alone and add a callable 
> predicate and evangelize that. Ok, provided the callable protocol uses 
> an ES6 private name (think gensym), any public name could be in use and 
> make a false positive when testing callability.
> So let's use a well-known private (unique, should say) name, e.g.
> module std {
> ...
> export const invokeName = Name.create("invoke");
> export function callable(v) {
> if (typeof v == "function")
> return true;
> if (typeof v == "object" && v != null)
> return invokeName in v; // could be pickier but let's start here
> return false;
> }
> }
> // make an object obj be callable:
> obj[invokeName] = function (...args) { /* ... */ };
> Looks ok, ignoring details such as how the client code gets the standard 
> unique name binding (import invokeName from "@std" or some such).
> One can't assume apply or call or other Function.prototype heritage is 
> in x just because callable(x) returns true. Callability is wider and 
> weaker than typeof-result "function".
> IIRC, security conscious folks do not want an attacker to be able to 
> make any old object callable. Cc'ing Mark for his thoughts.
> /be
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