David Nolen wrote:
On Wed, Apr 18, 2012 at 11:26 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org
<mailto:bren...@mozilla.org>> wrote:

    We've supported destructuring for years and no one has asked for
    this. I say YAGNI and when in doubt, leave it out. One can always
    write two destructuring declarations without much repetition:

But who has been using it? Certainly not the general JS development

      let {b} = obj;
      let {x,y} = b;

Maybe allowing
  let {b, b:{x,y}} = obj;
would be enough. It sort-of comforms to existing syntax as well as semantics.

    but of course one would just write

      let {x, y} = obj.b;

    in that contrived case.

    Main thing is, not having as-patterns is not a big deal based on
    experience with JS1.7+ since 2006 in Mozilla code.


I've found it quite useful in Clojure/Script and I'm sure folks who have
encountered the feature in the ML derived languages would agree.


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