Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On Jun 19, 2012, at 10:50 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Another problem with your alternative: either it breaks a refactoring 

Let<==>  be equivalence for a program fragment, and<!=>  be inequivalence. Then 
we have in JS today extended with do expressions (and gensym via $tmp):<==>   do {let $tmp =; $}

Now use ?. used instead of dot. Either the equivalence breaks:

foo?.bar()<!=>   do {let $tmp = foo?.bar; $}

Why is it important that this equivalence holds for . and ?.

Equivalences are not sacred but they are informative and sometimes normative (as in, a refactoring norm exists in the world).

   We already have other places using references where similar refactoring 
aren't equivalent:

      typeof foo<!=>  do(let $tmp = foo /*Reference error if foo unresolvable) 
*/; typeof $tmp)

That's right, and that is considered a botch not to imitate.The fact that typeof x == "function" testing is so long-winded is indeed one of the motivations for ?(.

In particular, I'm pretty sure that this refactoring hazard is not going to be 
as significant as the
       foo?.bar()   //oops I'm really think foo?.bar?()

CoffeeScript has years of use, and this is not something that has caused confusion (ask @jashkenas, see github issues).

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