Hi, everyone,

During some recent discussion in Chinese JS community, I've noticed
several case which JS behave out of user's expect if omitting the

See the following code:
var a = this.a  //!!!! here no semicolon will be auto inserted
    // do something
     //do something
})()  //!!!! here no semicolon will be auto inserted
     //do something else

I was thinking that if we could change some grammar rules to make it
behave as most user's expect. Just adding several [no LineTerminator
here] will do so:
CallExpression :
    MemberExpression [no LineTerminator here] Arguments
    CallExpression [no LineTerminator here] Arguments
    CallExpression [no LineTerminator here] [ Expression ]
    CallExpression . IdentifierName

Though some of you might consider omitting the semicolon as a bad
style, but its used by several group and company (including zepto.js
and npmjs).  I think this change will benefit them a lot with very
small side effect.

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