JSC migrating __proto__ to accessors did not add any power, if anything it 
removed/reduced power.  The old __proto__ was an extraordinarily magical 
property that existed on every object.  It was not possible to remove/block it 
at all.  So anyone could make an accessor or function or implicit conversion 
that could arbitrarily change the prototype of an object.


On Jul 18, 2012, at 1:11 PM, Jason Orendorff <jason.orendo...@gmail.com> wrote:

> On Wed, Jul 18, 2012 at 4:35 AM, Andreas Rossberg <rossb...@google.com> wrote:
>> I agree with that. I'm not quite convinced that there are relevant security
>> implication with an accessor semantics either.
> If we want to be sure we're not adding any power here, the __proto__
> setter should simply check that the receiver actually has the original
> __proto__ property; if not, it should throw.
> That would be weird, but safe, and the weirdness would be isolated in
> a section of the specification under the heading "__proto__ setter" in
> an annex.  Containment!
>> I also don't think that array length counts as proper precedence.
> Speaking as an implementor, I see array length as a precedent to be
> avoided.  SpiderMonkey still doesn't implement all its quirks.
> I'm not surprised Waldo's experiment with accessor __proto__ went
> smoothly.  That's because __proto__ as an accessor property almost
> makes sense.
> Specifying an accessor property--plus a single special case for
> ObjectLiterals, which we can handle in the front end--will make less
> work and a nicer spec (that is, looser coupling, better isolation of
> special cases).
> -j
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