Oliver Hunt wrote:
On Jul 18, 2012, at 1:28 PM, Brendan Eich<bren...@mozilla.org>  wrote:

>  Ollie: IIRC, JSC used to do what Rhino still does (last I looked): 
specialize __proto__ in the compiler or runtime (but either way, ahead of property 
lookup). True?
> > That's definitely not on the table. Accessor vs. magic data property is the high-order choice, which at the May TC39 meeting we made in favor of magic data property.

Um.  That what i just said.

No, we aren't using the same exact meaning of "magic".

   We used to have a magic property that could not be killed.  Now we have an 
accessor on the prototype.  That is: something less powerful that can be 

The "could not be killed" also was not the same between JSC and SpiderMonkey.

Previous-JSC: magic data property handled before any other id lookup logic (right? that's what I'm trying to pin down), not deletable.

SpiderMonkey: magic data property that's really a "native accessor", not reflected as such, and (this part is independent and a one-line change to fix today) not configurable.

These are two different approaches. Saying what JSC had was more powerful because you couldn't override or delete it is also a different meaning of "more powerful" from the one TC39 considered in May: exposing a setter that might leak unmonitored into malware.

So we really were saying three different things using more or less the same words :-P.

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