On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 8:03 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:
> Mark S. Miller wrote:
>> On Fri, Aug 17, 2012 at 6:49 PM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org
>> <mailto:bren...@mozilla.org>> wrote:
>>     All praise to Raf et al., my concern is that something
>>     synchronous, plus event loop concurrency and setImmediate, would
>>     suffice to bootstrap the rather more elaborate proposal on top of
>>     the simpler O.p.watch like fundament.
>>     This is not to say we shouldn't standardize higher-level APIs, and
>>     instead push that off on library authors to write, and users to
>>     download. There's a delicate balance here. We often screw up
>>     higher-level abstractions in annoying ways, but perhaps that risk
>>     is worth taking.
>>     What I'm really getting at is this: why not expose the synchronous
>>     primitive and e.l.c. building blocks as well?
>> A synchronous observation mechanism provides an attacker too many
>> opportunities for a plan interference attack. If you'll recall, an earlier
>> synchronous proposal died for this reason.

That is an excellent reason. I have two others:

1) It's a terrible design pattern to encourage. Webdevs will
absolutely use it and learn the hard way, just like we did with
Mutation Events that it works fine when we start, but down the road
lies nothing but pain and suffering.

2) Synchronous doesn't actually exist -- it's a false option.

To explain: When people talk about "synchronous" what they expect is
that they will be notified concurrent with the event happening (this
*is happening*). The expectation is that when they are invoked they
are observing the world as the event is describing.

This is the appeal of synchronous delivery. Here's the rub: unless you
plan to only allow a single observer per object, then you have to pick
someone to go first. And unless you plan to prevent that person from
further mutating the object, the next guy to be called may not observe
the world in the state suggested by the "synchronous" call.

In fact, an arbitrary number of mutations can always have occurred by
the time any given observer is called, so it's just dishonest API
which pretends that a single thing has happened. The correct thing is
to inform each observer what *set* of things has happened.

So the only questions are:

1) Do you mislead the consumer with API which suggests that only one
thing will has happened
2) If not, when do you deliver the set of things: immediately after
the mutation occurs, at the end of the turn or ask the UA to schedule
a future task.

Referring back to my reason (1) This question was debated extensively
with DOM Mutation Observers and unanimously decided that the end of
the turn was the only good solution. "immediately" puts all code in
danger of having its runtime assumptions invalidated after every
operation which mutates objects and "future task" is far too late to
be useful for most almost all use cases.

> Thanks, I recall -- but this needs to be stated clearly in the spec. I hear
> from people all the time asking Y U no Object.prototype.watch.

Which spec? Is there something you're wanting to see in the text of
the Object.observe proposal?

> /be
>> Object.observe has been carefully designed to strike a good balance
>> between providing non-malicious code useful new powers without providing
>> attackers significant new attack opportunities. The core principle is that a
>> client of an object can anyway observe changes to observable state
>> asynchronously by polling between turns. And a client of an object, if it
>> receives control during a turn, can poll while it has control. To a first
>> approximation, Object.observe can be understood as an optimization of
>> polling. It is actually more powerful than that, but in ways that are
>> beneficial without IMO creating significant new hazards.
>>     /be
>>     Brandon Benvie wrote:
>>         I agree on the above with regard to Proxies. They are awesome
>>         and allow for incredible things, but Object.observe fills a
>>         different use case that I think is more common at at the user
>>         standpoint or at least library standpoint. When you look
>>         around at the major JS libraries that exist the problem they
>>         are trying to solve (after DOM normalization) is data-binding.
>>         Proxy can be used to solve this for new objects or wrapped
>>         objects, but that's overkill and may have performance
>>         consequences, and has no support for working with existing
>>         objects. Proxy and observe end up filling two completely
>>         different use-cases, and I would venture to say that observe
>>         is the one that most people could make better use of if they
>>         had it in their hands today.
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>>     Cheers,
>>     --MarkM
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