Mark S. Miller wrote:
On Sat, Sep 29, 2012 at 5:17 PM, Brendan Eich < <>> wrote:

    Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:

        However, there is a bigger issue here.  You could have asked a
        similar  question about Map.prototype.  Why isn't
        Map.prototype a Map instances? Is this a bug or an intentional
        design decision?

        Historically, the prototype objects associated with the 9
        named built-in constructors were all defined to be instances
        of those constructors.  For example, Boolean.prototype is a
        Boolean instance whose value is false.

        In writing the specification for Map, I intentionally deviated
        from that pattern.

    Failing to consult with implementors will just make editing churn.
    I don't remember much discussion on this change,

FWIW, this isn't a change from what we've discussed, it's a return to what we've discussed. The proposals at
all the accepted class proposals including the recent maximin classes

use prototypes as Allen is now using them -- essentially as vtables, rather than prototypical instances.

That conclusion assumes too much. You don't need Object instance prototypes. You simply need immutable/degenerate/unusable prototypes of the same class as the constructor instantiates.

Did you read further down?

    Your change requires implementations to provide a different
    built-in class (constructor/prototype) initialization path. That's
    not desirable _per se_. Neither IMHO is the user-facing semantic
    split among "old" and "new" constructors.

    There are two separate issues here:

    1. Should Map.prototype be an instance (firstborn for its realm)
    of class Map?

    2. Should Map.prototype be a key/value store that can be used or
    abused as any other Map could be?

    We should not mix these up. SpiderMonkey (and possibly V8, I
    haven't tested) says "yes" to 1 and "no" to 2.

V8 and SpiderMonkey agree. This avoids making two paths for built-in constructor.prototype creation, one that makes a degenerate firstborn of the class at hand, the other than makes an Object-instance prototype.

Why introduce this irregularity if it's not necessary to avoid the communication channel?

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