On Oct 1, 2012, at 2:44 PM, Norbert Lindenberg wrote:

> It might be useful to list all the observable features to which "valid 
> instance of" might lead for a built-in BuiltIn.prototype, and check whether 
> we want them for new built-ins:
> 1) Object.prototype.toString.call(BuiltIn.prototype) returns "[object 
> BuiltIn]".
> True for ES5 objects, currently not true for ES Internationalization objects. 
> Discussion so far inconclusive.

Also not true for: EvalError, RangeError, ReferenceError, SyntaxError, 
TypeError, and URIError

they are all spec'd to return "[object Error]" from toString

> 2) BuiltIn.prototype has state that lets BuiltIn methods successfully operate 
> on the object, at least as long as they don't modify the state.
> True for ES5 objects, currently also true for ES Internationalization 
> objects. This means Intl.Collator.prototype can be used as a Collator with 
> default properties, which applications might find useful. Discussion so far 
> inconclusive.
> 3) The state mentioned in 2) is modifiable.
> True for some ES5 objects (Array, Date, RegExp), not true for ES 
> Internationalization objects. The discussion seems to conclude that 
> modifiable prototype objects are a bad idea.
> 4) Object.getPrototypeOf(BuiltIn.prototype) returns BuiltIn.prototype.
> False for ES5 objects and ES Internationalization objects. This would lead to 
> infinite loops when looking up properties that don't exist, and we probably 
> don't want that.
> 5) BuiltIn.prototype instanceof BuiltIn evaluates to true.
> False for ES5 objects and ES Internationalization objects. The ES5 spec for 
> instanceof relies on 4).
> Any observable features I missed?

The relationship between the constructor and the prototype.  EG:  
Builtin.prototype.constructor === Builtin

> Norbert
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