Domenic Denicola wrote:
On Oct 1, 2012, at 18:58, "Brendan Eich"<>  wrote:

I am warming up to the way CoffeeScript does things -- not the translation 
scheme, __extends, __super__ -- rather, the plain Object instance created as 
C.prototype that has B.prototype as its [[Prototype]] but has shadowing 
'constructor' set to C.

If I'm understanding correctly, this would be the same as

C.prototype = Object.create(B.prototype);
C.prototype.constructor = C;

Yes, CoffeeScript simply uses the older pattern (beget, goes back a long way to comp.lang.javascript, IIRC) to work on pre-ES5 engines.

which I thought was the "recommended" approach (although by who or where, I 
admit I can't quite pinpoint). Am I on the right track? And can anyone else comment on 
the commonality or recommendedness of this pattern, to see if we're paving the right cow 

Would be good to confirm, but I think this is the one all the finest cows favor ;-).

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