Allen Wirfs-Brock wrote:
On Oct 4, 2012, at 11:29 AM, Brendan Eich wrote:

Tab Atkins Jr. wrote:
It might be useful to expose this functionality with a more obvious
name, to underscore that you lose the secrecy/unforgability.
We are mooting public as the keyword for non-private but unique symbols, so 
that's ambiguous. ReallyPublic? :-P We want to capture the singleton sharing, 
and 'intern' is the jargon word to use. For the jargon-disabled, I'm not sure 
what to use, but perhaps teaching people about intern'ing is better than using 
some long Java-esque name.


Could have, but see below.


Need a verb, Senator. (Obscure Doonesbury ref, sorry.)

Note that in most cases, you want to look up an already interned symbol name 
rather than intern a new one.  If the lookup falls back to creating, typos will 
tend to get hidden.

I hope not! Otherwise the typo is going to propagate anyway, especially with reverse FQDNs or such awfulness:

public @iterator = Symbol.lookup('');
  if (!@iterator) {
    @iterator = Symbol.intern('');
    // oops...
  // d'oh!

Of course, this treats the @iterator name as a free variable that can be falsy-tested. But it's way, way to much to expect everyone to write and avoid typo plus copy/paste propagation of same!

BTW, other than as a place to hang this function, I still don't see why we need 
a named Symbol constructor.

symbol @foo;


symbol @foo = new Symbol.

Aside: we did not agree on a contextual 'symbol' keyword, and public is still in the running.

We did talk about a Symbol constructor at the meeting two weeks ago, in order to support diagnost/debugging string association. This was in the private name objects proposal going way back.

mean exactly the same thing, assuming Symbol has its default binding.

I just don't  see what value we get from cluttering the name spaces with a 
built-in constructor that doesn't add any new functionality.

I'd agree if there wasn't "new" functionality, but there is and we've discussed it. It's in the wiki.

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