On Nov 7, 2012, at 7:48 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.com> wrote:

>> 1. Get "DOMPromises" done in order to fix some busted proposed API.
>>    My current hope is WebCrypto who can both avoid a design
>>    catastrophe and introduce a new, widely implemented API on a
>>    relatively short timeframe
>> 2. Once we have DOMPromises implemented, we advocate broader
>>    use throughout DOM APIs.
>> 3. Introduce ES7 Promises as a compatible subset of DOMPromises
> I agree with this approach provided TC39 (not just you) keeps tracking and 
> commenting. public-script-coord is not overused...


> Bottom line: it's a good thing for domain experts who also have good API 
> chops to lead the way on DOMPromises. But do keep es-discuss (David, Domenic, 
> et al.) and TC39 (tomvc, especially) in the loop. Probably we will meet in 
> the middle, in ES7.

I support this plan. Please keep me in the loop.


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