On 17/11/2012, at 18:45, Brandon Benvie wrote:

> The name property doesn't currently (and the I don't propose it should) have 
> a correlation to the name in scope. In function declarations the name is only 
> in scope because its declared in the outer scope, and this can be overwritten 
> permanently rendering the name unusable in that scope. A named function 
> expression

--and function declarations too--

> puts the name association in a decorative scope that is untouchable and only 
> accessible inside the function.

It's not clear to me whether one might end with function whose name (the value 
returned by function.name) might be !== than its name as "seen" from inside the 
function itself:

function ƒ () { return (ƒ.name !== 'ƒ') }

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