On 19/11/2012, at 20:34, Brandon Benvie wrote:
> On Mon, Nov 19, 2012 at 2:29 PM, Jorge Chamorro Bieling 
> <jo...@jorgechamorro.com> wrote:
>> On 17/11/2012, at 18:45, Brandon Benvie wrote:
>>> The name property doesn't currently (and the I don't propose it should) 
>>> have a correlation to the name in scope. In function declarations the name 
>>> is only in scope because its declared in the outer scope, and this can be 
>>> overwritten permanently rendering the name unusable in that scope. A named 
>>> function expression
>> --and function declarations too--
>>> puts the name association in a decorative scope that is untouchable and 
>>> only accessible inside the function.
>> It's not clear to me whether one might end with function whose name (the 
>> value returned by function.name) might be !== than its name as "seen" from 
>> inside the function itself:
>> function ƒ () { return (ƒ.name !== 'ƒ') }
>> ?
> function x(){ x = { name: 'y' }; return x.name } x(); // 'y'
> (function x(){ x = { name: 'y' }; return x.name })() // 'x'

The behaviour of the function declaration surprises me for since the days of 
the discussions about the ditching of arguments.callee, I seem to recall, one 
of the arguments in favor of ditching it was that a reference to itself was 
already available there, inside the named function, safe and in scope, *ever*, 
and not only in the case of (named) function expressions.

Having it declared (only) in the outer scope has risks that arguments.callee 
didn't have, and that NFEs don't have. Is there any justification for this 
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