Jussi Kalliokoski wrote:
It's a bit unclear to me how arrow functions react to semicolons, for example:

var a = (c) => {
  var b = 2;
  b * c;


To me, it seems like this should return undefined. After all, the last statement in the function is empty.

Not by the grammar.

You would need a second ; after b * c; to spell the empty statement.

To actually return b * c, you should drop the semicolon:

var a = (c) => {
  var b = 2;
  b * c


This would be consistent with, for example, Rust and would help avoid annoying accidental returns (see [1] for discussion about this wrt CoffeeScript).

That's a fine thing in languages like Rust without ASI, which also have type-checking needs not in JS. JS has ASI and no type-checking, so no-go.


[1] https://github.com/jashkenas/coffee-script/issues/2477

CoffeeScript has no way to avoid implicit return, but JS has 'function' and always will.

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