On Thu, Nov 29, 2012 at 9:41 AM, Brendan Eich <bren...@mozilla.org> wrote:

> Kevin Smith wrote:
>>     It's a bit unclear to me how arrow functions react to semicolons,
>>     for example:
>>     var a = (c) => {
>>       var b = 2;
>>       b * c;
>>     }
>>     a(4);
>> Hmmm...  I was under the impression that arrow functions with normal
>> function bodies do *not* implicitly return anything.  Maybe I need to
>> adjust my spec goggles, but I don't see that in the latest draft.
> Oh (and d'oh!) you are quite right. There's no implicit return or other
> TCP aspect save lexical-|this|, at all.

Sorry for the echo :(

> /be
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