On Dec 11, 2012, at 10:19 AM, Andrea Giammarchi wrote:

> Agreed, getOwnPropertyNames is way more appropriate if the topic is: use all 
> ES5 features for mixins too.
> Also, the Nicolas example is potentially disaster prone, not in that specific 
> form, but in the way a getter with private scope access could be.
> Imagine many objects using that specific object as mixin with that name 
> getter, if there was a setter too the first one that will use it will 
> overwrite the returned value for all other objects.
> I think propertie swith getters and setters will cause as many headaches as 
> objects and arrays in function prototypes did before already but hey, if you 
> know what you are doing, I believe there's no other solution for "universally 
> capable mixin method"

I had a proposal for creating accessors that would only over-ride half of an 
inherited get/set pair: 

I let it fade away because, 1) it was kind of ugly, and 2) there were other 
more important things to put energy into.


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