Mark S. Miller wrote:
On Sat, Dec 29, 2012 at 1:26 PM, Brendan Eich<>  wrote:
Mark S. Miller wrote:
2) Make a micro-mode, adding yet additional mode switching in order to
supposedly avoid the complexity of dealing with one mode switch.
No, you are using micro-mode as an epithet without actually defining it in a
meaningfully different way from "new semantics for new syntax".

If I have a function

     function foo(w, x, y) {
       var [a, b] = y;
       // use of a,b but not y in rest of body

and I change it to

     function foo(w, x, [a, b]) {
       // use of a,b but not y in rest of body

I have preserved its meaning. The change seems local to the individual
parameter. But if I have a function

     function foo(x, x, y) {

Yes, but let me interject: no one does this. It's insane. A latent bug or a quirk that deserves an early error.

       var [a, b] = y;
       // use of a,b but not y in rest of body

and I change it to

     function foo(x, x, [a, b]) {
       // use of a,b but not y in rest of body

now my second function is rejected.

Yes, with an early error.

Since no one does duplicate formal parameter in practice, this early error is a good thing (tm).

  This demonstrates the
"mode-nature" if you will of this rule.

Rather, new syntax gets new semantics.

We've shipped this for years in SpiderMonkey. I believe Rhino matches. No one uses duplicate formals, so no one has ever complained.

  The rejection must be
explained by a function-wide change of what the language accepts,

No, not function-wide! Purely function-head, more specifically the parameter list.

though I changed only one parameter.

Parameter changes in ES6 have effects on the list. We don't allow more than one rest parameter at the end, for example. Given

  function f(a, b, ...r) {...}

If I try adding another ellipsis:

  function f(a, ...b, ...r) {...}

I get an early error. Another good thing(tm), and no less local than destructuring parameters banning duplicate params.

OTOH, if destructuring is accepted only in strict code, then the
rejection of destructuring is explained only by strictness rules.

"rejection of duplicate parameters"

Yes, that's the way to explain it via (1). And you are right that the condition for rejection of duplicate formals becomes more than "in strict code". It has to be "in strict mode || destructuring present in parameter list".

However, since duplicate formals are a do-not-want, always-a-bug, freakish rarity bestowed on ES1 during standardization, this extra disjunct is a spec-internal complexity, not anything users must worry about.

I'm prepared to give up on the ban of duplicate formals when destructuring parameters are present, if that will get rid of your objection to "micro-modes". I don't recall anything else like this case. We arrived at it mainly to simplify implementation in SpiderMonkey, but again: users do not notice because no one uses duplicate formals.

Are arrow functions, syntax and definite semantics, a "micro-mode"? If not,
why not? I suspect you are using a mental desugaring spec but there's no
such spec. Allen has to deal with whether arrows have [[Construct]] (we
decided no, because |this| is bound to outer |this|). Is that a
"micro-mode"? I say no.

Did you have a thought here? It may be we're arguing only about the "destructuring parameter bans duplicate parameters" special case.

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