Domenic Denicola wrote:
[] On Behalf Of Brendan Eich
Sent: Sunday, December 30, 2012 00:06

by yoking ES6 feature adoption to strict mode adoption, you
multiply risks and reduce ES6 adoption.

I'd like to lend a little bit of defense to Kevin's ideas here.
Namely, it seems easy to me to imagine the following:

- "Awesome lemme insert some arrow functions to clean up all these map and filter 
- "What's that, Mr. Compiler? You won't let me use arrow functions unless I put 'use 
strict' at the top of my file?"
- "OK, whatever, that seems lame, but arrow functions are worth it."

This is of course predicated on the code in question not being
affected by the breaking changes of strict mode, which is probably
true of most code written by early adopters today.

To be clear, there's obviously a lot of subtle issues here, as
Brendan has pointed out. I do find it somewhat unlikely though, that
*if* strict mode was required for anything ES6-ish, people would give
up their new toys rather than point a pragma at the top of their


The old conforming sloppy code will work.

The new must be strict to use new things.

But the new things _are_ valuable. Wanting 'use strict' (or module, or class) should not be an issue for people writing new code. Nor, imho, for people redesigning big bunches of old code. The only losers of this reform are people with old codebase wanting to clean it using better new constructs but their boss prohibits them using 'use strict'. And even for them, class is giving opportunity of incremental progress.

I would solve the little issue of "class can be of very little granularity when using class expressions" by using only standalone class definitions* as implicitly strict (and using class expression in sloppy code would just end up with "new features only in strict mode" error).

(Although, as I write that last sentence, I realize this isn't much
different than suggested `use version 6` :-/)

But it isn't. So in fact no additional mode. That's important. :-)


* If there are "module expressions", disallowing them, too.
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