in the Example 1 you simply loop over all keys in the chain, included the x
inherited from b.

The fact you shadow that is irrelevant, it was there in any case.
The fact you get 1 in the log is because you access the shadowed property
through a[i] so expected result.

You are doing a for/in, not a for/of

In the second Example is the same, for/in loops over all enumerable
properties in the chain, it does not matter what you do with the current
instance if that property name is inherited so, once again, expected.

var b = { x : 2 },
    a = { y : 0, __proto__ : b },

for (k in a){
    alert(k + ": " + a[k]);
    delete b.x; // note: it's b, not a

this will loop only over a.y skipping x

If you want to be sure about having a keys snapshot of the own properties,
you can, in ES6:

let b = {x: 2},
    a = {y: 0, __proto__: b},

for (k of Object.keys(a)) {

or an equivalent for loop/iteration over keys such

  this[k]; // whatever
}, a);


On Wed, May 8, 2013 at 11:16 AM, Gareth Smith <> wrote:

> Hello,
> I hope this is the right place to ask this question - please let me know
> if not!
> I am trying to understand the specification of for-in, both for ES5 and
> for ES6, and in particular the interaction between shadowing and adding
> or deleting properties. Here are the parts of the ES5 spec and ES6 draft
> that seem most relevant:
> ES5:
> ES6:
> Here are two motivating examples. In both examples, I'll assume that 'y'
> is enumerated first. For each example, the question is: does the
> specification require 'x' to be enumerated, or can an implementation
> choose to skip it?
> Example 1:
> var b = { x : 2 }
> var a = { y : 0, __proto__ : b }
> for (i in a){
>     console.log(i + ": " + a[i]);
>     a.x = 1
> }
> In this first example b.x becomes shadowed by a.x before being
> enumerated. Thus we have both "If new properties are added to the object
> being enumerated during enumeration, the newly added properties are not
> guaranteed to be visited in the active enumeration" and "a property of a
> prototype is not enumerated if it is “shadowed” because some previous
> object in the prototype chain has a property with the same name."
> Does the specification allow us to skip 'x'?
> Example 2:
> var b = { x : 2 }
> var a = { y : 0, x : 1, __proto__ : b }
> for (i in a){
>     console.log(i + ": " + a[i]);
>     delete(a.x)
> }
> In this second example, a.x is deleted before it is visited. Thus,
> following "If a property that has not yet been visited during
> enumeration is deleted, then it will not be visited", it should not be
> visited. The b.x property is no longer shadowed, but it was not supposed
> to be enumerated in the first place. So can it be skipped?
> An alternative reading of the specification is that we are interested in
> property /names/, not properties. Given this reading, in both examples a
> property named 'x' was always reachable from a, so it must be enumerated
> in both examples. Is this second reading closer to the intent of the
> specification? I note that the current wording of the spec talks about
> "properties" when things are being added and deleted, and "property
> names" only when talking about duplicate enumerations.
> Thanks a lot!
> Gareth.
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