Looking at the discussion on
it seems the V8 team is waiting for TC39 to tell them that they have to switch 
to a stable algorithm.

An agenda item for the next meeting?


On Jun 13, 2013, at 14:40 , Brendan Eich wrote:

> Just confirming: In ES1 days, the MS guy (Shon K.) suggested stability but we 
> all agreed not to require it, but I believe he implemented it. This created a 
> de-facto standard and SpiderMonkey and JSC matched.
> I think V8 has a de-facto bug to fix. I'm ok with requiring stability as a 
> normative property of Array.prototype.sort given such a V8 bugfix.
> I don't yet see enough value in adding an unstableSort (to Bill F's point).
> /be
> Oliver Hunt wrote:
>> JSC switched to an always stable sort years ago due to compatibility 
>> problems with content targeting firefox and IE depending on it.
>> We also had issues with inconsistent comparison functions, but i can't 
>> recall exactly what the reasoning behind it was (nor the exact behavior we 
>> felt was necessary), but we ended up with an AVL tree being involved, so we 
>> may be attempting to only compare two elements with each other once.  
>> Unfortunately this code is a little bit gnarly for me to read and understand 
>> today :-(
>> I believe that the spec should mandate a stable sort, but i'm not sure just 
>> how far we can go in trying to standardize exact behavior of the sort 
>> without tying implementations to a single implementation for all time.
>> --Oliver
>> On Jun 13, 2013, at 12:16 PM, Kevin Gadd <kevin.g...@gmail.com 
>> <mailto:kevin.g...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>> I have read the ES specs multiple times, and still accidentally shipped an 
>>> application that was broken by Array.sort's default behavior in the wild. I 
>>> know other people who have had the same issues, and people who have read 
>>> the spec and don't happen to have particular quirks defined in the spec 
>>> memorized. People are not great at remembering spec details. Simply 
>>> demanding that all JS developers in the wild read the spec will *not* 
>>> address these issues. Modern application development occurs on multiple 
>>> platforms, in multiple languages, using multiple libraries. No matter how 
>>> many times the spec is read, if the developer is regularly writing and 
>>> thinking in different languages using different primitives, the primitives 
>>> that defy trends and act in unexpected ways will always be a stumbling 
>>> block. The v8 issue and related issue reports against Underscore both serve 
>>> to demonstrate this.
>>> I don't understand why you would intentionally sidetrack a discussion about 
>>> a simple problem with academic details. Yes, if your goal is to write 
>>> proofs or rigorously demonstrate that your software is correct all the 
>>> time, the exact definition of different sort algorithms and terminology 
>>> really does matter, and yes, it is valuable for people to read the spec. 
>>> But that is not remotely relevant to the original post in this discussion 
>>> thread and was not suggested by my replies either. This thread *should* be 
>>> about whether the ES spec can protect developers from subtle mistakes and 
>>> errors by changing the specification of Array.sort. Is the point trying to 
>>> be made here that it is impossible for the spec to clearly communicate that 
>>> implementations should not do what V8 does, and this communication is 
>>> impossible because of the academic definition? You haven't even once 
>>> addressed the original core question of whether it would be possible to 
>>> switch Array.sort to being stable, and what the obstacles to that would be.
>>> There are examples out there in the wild of how difficult it is to write a 
>>> performant sort in JS from scratch; you need only look at the Bugzilla bug 
>>> about self-hosting Array.sort in Spidermonkey. Or we can look at the number 
>>> of *broken* binary search implementations out in the wild caused by people 
>>> copying from broken algorithms in textbooks that behave incorrectly in 
>>> boundary cases. Please, for the love of $deity, do not just tell developers 
>>> to type a query into stackoverflow and grab the top result. I don't 
>>> necessarily think that it is automatically the right choice to say 'do it 
>>> yourself' for a problem like this, though it could easily be correct in 
>>> this specific case, since Underscore ships a stable sort function. Most 
>>> developers probably use jQuery and/or Underscore already to make up for the 
>>> small number of useful primitives in the JS standard library, and that's 
>>> fine.
>>> -kg
>>> On Thu, Jun 13, 2013 at 9:50 AM, David Bruant <bruan...@gmail.com 
>>> <mailto:bruan...@gmail.com>> wrote:
>>>    Le 13/06/2013 17:56, Kevin Gadd a écrit :
>>>        I don't really care about the precise language or semantics.
>>>    Maybe you should. In my opinion, that would certainly help having
>>>    your case better understood and heard.
>>>        I just don't want applications to break in the wild because
>>>        an Array.sort implementation's stability changes based on the
>>>        number of elements.
>>>    A stable sort is just a particular case of an unstable sort. So,
>>>    if a sort is "sometimes unstable", then it is "always unstable".
>>>    The impression of a stability for some cases is just a distraction.
>>>    It's also not like if "sort" was confusing like isNaN. "sort"
>>>    does its job.
>>>        That feels like a much easier problem to solve than the
>>>        problem of some browsers being unstable and some being
>>>        stable. This is absolutely the sort of thing that would bite
>>>        me as a JS dev and will bite every person who uses my
>>>        compiler to convert an application. Why would they test with
>>>        both small and large element counts?
>>>    They can also read the spec and learn they can't rely on sort
>>>    stability (second sentence of ES5 - !). Specs aren't
>>>    just for implementors. As a web developer, I feel it's a
>>>    time-consuming yet very healthy exercise to read specs to avoid
>>>    pain later down the road. I wouldn't have said that for ES3, but
>>>    ES5 is decently developer friendly, especially
>>>    http://es5.github.io/#x15.4.4.11 with links and all that.
>>>    If people are unsatisfied with the language sort function, maybe
>>>    they should pick a different sort function, implement one that
>>>    fits their need, why not.
>>>    They can even monkeypatch array#sort!
>>>    Why not try a stackoverflow sort [1][2]? Try with "stable sort" ;-)
>>>    David
>>>    [1] http://xkcd.com/1185/
>>>    [2] http://gkoberger.github.io/stacksort/
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