Le 05/08/2013 17:08, Brendan Eich a écrit :
Michael Ficarra wrote:
specified that the global object's prototype chain must include Object.prototype. I am sure there's plenty of code that depends on that.
Concern shared.

Yes, that's required.
Would it make sense to leave ECMAScript spec intact (global's [[Prototype]] is implementation-dependent), but have WebIDL put requirements on the prototype chain? That would allow non-web contexts to have null as [[Prototype]]; and some people seem to want to do that [1].

I imagine that code that requires the global object to inherit from Object.prototype is code doing "window.hasOwnProperty('whatever')" which is only needed for web compat and isn't really given modern JavaScript practices.


[1] https://mail.mozilla.org/pipermail/test262-discuss/2013-July/000229.html
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